By Brea' Reliford of Street Fame Magazine
Street Fame: Last time I checked you co-starred in “Love For Sale” and was continuing to be starred in the second season of the TV show ”Whittaker Bay” on Fox, what have you been doing since?
Young Gent: Well I actually did a movie called “Bolden” which will be coming out soon which Im proud to be a part of because it is the biggest budgeted majority African American film in history so its going to make a lot of noise when it drops. Also I have just been focusing a lot on what direction im going in and working on my music and talking with major labels trying to come to a good agreement.
Street Fame: You’ve starred in films with Mya, Jason Weaver, Jackie Long, Clifton Powell, and Melyssa Ford, and Big Daddy Kane. What was the experience like?
Young Gent: Well every film you work on has its own unique experience. Working with them all on Love For Sale was mad fun. Everyone is so talented and unique in their own way. The ladies in the film really brought forth serious sex appeal but their talent somehow was able out shine their looks. Everyone was very professional and although we had a lot of fun everyone was very much about their business and when the cameras role you know they know what they are doing and they make it look so easy. I think Mya shocked me the most, our first day working together I had to snatch her up and she has to cry. And they asked if she needed eye drops or anything and she said no shes got handled. They said action and tears went to rolling down her face for real, and im trying to be mean but inside im feeling bad as hell lol. Shes so beautiful and sweet that you just hate to feel like you are the one that made her cry.
Street Fame: Was it anyone in particular that introduced you to the acting field and guided you to the point in which you stand?
Young Gent: I actually dabbled with it in highschool in a drama class I took to get an easy grade but my teacher (Vivian Wade) was very adamant about me taking her seriously. So I did after she bugged me for a while lol, and she taught me improv, which is my most important acting tool now. She used to always tell me I had a presence about me and should really consider it and that I had the talent. Didn’t really think much of it til several years later when I got a chance for my first little movie role with Swirl Films. They took me on and Eric Thomasunas (producer) brought me back for several of his films and really encouraged me keep going further.
Street Fame: What has been the hardest process of your career?
Young Gent: I would have to say being patient and trying to get people to believe in you and help make steps. This is a business where you need other people’s help to advance but sadly not many people wanna help you unless you are already somebody.
Street Fame: Which film has been the most meaningful to you? Were any of your roles so powerful and essential that it absolutely boosted your career?
Young Gent: I would say the most meaningful film for me would be one called “Dead Heist”. It wasn’t a big one but it was my first starring role and I remember filming for a whole month not even making that much but it was one of the happiest times of my life. I didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world at that time. Even when I wasn’t shooting I was still on set soaking everything in. I actually felt in love with the experience. Well I have played a mentally challenged, homeless guy in a film called “27 Club” and it was extremely different from the normal characters I played. It was very challenging but under the direction of Erica Dunton, she really brought out the character. However, you already know how B.E.T. plays movies over and over (which im not mad at) so im currently known mostly for being crazy ass Carlton from Love For Sale.
Street Fame: Have you ever thought about writing your own scripts and then filming them?
Young Gent: Actually yeah and there are some things in the works for the future. I have my label BlockStar Music and will soon roll into BlockStar Films to create and produce some of my own projects. I am stepping into producer shoes soon on one of my next projects before that though.
Street Fame: I heard you have some filming deals in the works. Give me a run down on that.
Young Gent: Well we are trying to see about this Tyler Perry film that I have been rumored about so if that happens it will be very exciting. Also I have a project called “System” coming up soon that I cant wait to jump in. Also Im involved with developing a show currently titled “Breakdown” that I will be starring in about a group of renegade D.E.A. agents and some bigger deals that are still up in the air but when they are locked in you will hear more about it.
Street Fame: Oh yeah, you’re a recording artist too. How are you able to juggle the two?
Young Gent: Its actually really hard because both sides need so much attention and grind. Its just one of those situations where you are either built for it or you’re not. And a lot of sacrifice.
Street Fame: Give us an update on your music. Actually, I’d like to hear it! Any new mixtapes, singles, or a coming album?
Young Gent: Well we released a single called “Grown & Sexy” over seas and tested it in some cities here, which you can also check out at Myspace.com/genttheboss or Itunes. We had some good success and are planning to do a full release domestically by spring time with video and all. It is also off the album “The World Is Mine” which has 4 other singles. Once we finish up a deal with Interscope or one of the other interested parties then that album come out. Until then I am preparing to hit the studio to make my mixtape “Street Epic”. I got all my beats now and its time to hit the booth.
Street Fame: So what can we expect from you this year? Any tour plans in the works?
Young Gent: This year is just more movies and tv, and the big mixtape realease and celeb event and party hosting. Also the single and video going out and I expect the fans to really grab on to it so we will be out all over the US performing it. Im entertaining a few opportunities but as far as a tour right now would lock my schedule down making it hard to film and movie money is really good money so the tour would definitely have to be more lucrative then me filming.
Street Fame: If your fans want to stay connected with you, where can they hit you up at?
Young Gent: Well we just re did they myspace which is myspace.com/genttheboss. Im also at twitter.com/DominicSantana and im on facebook under Dominic Santana. I do personally respond to as many people as I can and love to hear from the people. For celeb party hosting or appearances and media info contact blockstarmusic@gmail.com
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